Two major donations helping to finish Rotary/Youth Association field
Two major donations helping to finish Rotary/Youth Association field
by Dan McClelland
May 1 was a big day for the Tupper Lake Rotary Club, which has been a key fundraiser for the Tupper Lake Youth Baseball and Softball Association's new Little League field in the municipal park. That day the club received major donations of $2,500 and $3,000 which just about finishes the civic club's year long fund drive to create the new playing field.
The club had a special Wednesday night session to congratulate and recognize the donors.
In the photo above Jeff and Carol Denit present their very generous gift of $3,000 to Lydia Kriwox, incoming Rotary president (second from left) and to Jay Skiff, a member of the baseball and softball association (right). The Denits' donation will pay for the construction of the press box which will overlook the field and Raquette Pond beyond.
In the photo below, Royce Cole (center), chief of the Tupper Lake Volunteer Fire Department, presents his firefighters' donation of $2,500 to pay for one of the two team dug-outs on the field.
The two dug-outs at the field next to the Little Logger playground and the press box will be constructed in upcoming weeks by Rotary and Youth Association volunteers as soon as the site dries up.
The extensive drainage system that was completed by Kentile Excavating and a cadre of volunteer diggers last year is performing well these days, drying up the new playing surface on what was once a very soggy place.
Baseball players here are expected to be able to use what is now the best Little League-sized field in the North Country on or about mid-June, official says. (photos provided)