46th Tupper Lake Art Show features local artists

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by Ian Roantree

Hundreds of artworks hang in Tupper Arts. They’ve been there since August 14 and will remain through to September 7. Those artworks are part of the 46th annual Tupper Lake Art Show which is displaying artworks across a variety of artistic media including paintings, photographs, ceramics, woodcrafts, sculptures and more, all made from artists young and old.

Exhibit visitors can expect landscapes, still life, portraits and abstract works that will captivate any art lover.

Nearly 60 artists, some local, some not, are featured in this exhibit. Despite their geographical differences, each artists shares one thing in common: they all have a connection to our community and town in some way or another.

Whether it be they’ve spent their lives since youth camping around our lakes and in our forests, or they’ve been taken and inspired by the natural beauty of the Adirondacks and of Tupper Lake, which is apparent in some works, ones that feature familiar flora, fauna and bodies of water.

The artists featured in the Tupper Lake Art Show are Susan Whiteman, Annoel Krider, Yvona Fast, Pam Belleville, Ted Merrihew, Andrea Grout, Marie Cogar, Bev McKeown, Ruth A Freeman, Joe Cavallaro, Trisha Best, Pete Van Dien, Casey Dunn, Jill V. Burke, Jim Bullard, Stacey Pope, Marilu Andre, Mary Michelfelder, Joe Sellin, Rena Sellin, Colleen Kenniston, Gary Larsen, Ruth Christie Crotty, Jeanne Vincent, Janice Lockhart, Susan Brandi, Linda Benzon, Lynda Mussen, Rebecca Bissonette, Lloyd Bayer, Barry Lobdell, Jeri Wright, Dan Hausner, Megan Pickering, Kimberly Nicolle, Jacqueline Hornstein, Paul Chartier, Robert Keough, Gary Casagrain, Mark Kurtz, Sally Neenan, Eleanor Sweeney, Sandra Hildreth, Janet Yeates, Barbara Keough, Mary Shaheen, Beth Johnson, Tina Siebel, Newt Greiner, Dennon Waluntus, Jacqueline H. Altman, Pamela May, Michelle LeBlanc Blair, Randy Jones, Kim Bedore Weinheimer, Randy Tate, Gail Marirea, Jaime Meade and Brenda Hollis.

There’s also several works created by the talented students of Tupper Lake Middle High School, many of whose artworks were on display in the high school library back in May for the 2019/2020 school budget vote.

In these works, a viewer can see the application of artistic techniques like color blending, texture, and illustration—techniques learned and perfected in the classroom.

Those artists are Logan Sparks, Sandra Trabakoulus, Riley Strader, Allie Bishop, Alex Dukette, Kaylee Rabideau, T. Fox, Ashley Harris, Kate Harriman, Emily Burns, Grace Mitchell, Molly Sullivan and Logan Dominie.

This annual art show lines up with a few Tupper Arts milestones. Last week, on Wednesday 21, Tupper Arts celebrated their first anniversary. Tupper Arts also officially became a non-profit organization, having received status as a 501c3.


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